You will never in a million years believe this story! Jake was always on his phone, running up the bill to insane amounts and his parents were sick of it. It was a cold day in Los Angeles, and Jake’s dad sent Jake on an errand that lead him to down town L.A where it was very hard to find anything. He gave his son directions that were two pages long and sent him on his way. It took Jake two hours to get to the appliance store to put in an order for their new oven. As he was leaving he realized that he had left his directions on the sales counter and the store clerk had taken them and had just shredded them because they were just left there and he was going to recycle paper that day. Jake remembered that he had on star in his car and would be able to use that to get back home. He had gotten about three turns into his directions when the system shut off, he called to get it turned back on but the lady on the

other end of the phone said that his parents had the service shut off. Right then his battery on his phone went dead and they were disconnected. He drove around for hours getting on and off random highways, going down one ways and became lost in the maze of the city. He drove around all night until he ran out of gas in Ghettos, and decided to just lock the door, get some sleep, and look for help in the morning, because he didn’t know what was going to be lurking down the dark shadows of the alley ways. When the morning sun made its appearance Jake began to walk in search of a phone. After five hours of being lost in a town that seemed foreign Jake’s determined steps turned into a trudge until he rounded a corner in the middle of a deserted street and saw something odd, but exactly what he was looking for. It was a little building at the back of a dark alley that was completely covered with all different kinds of cell phone chargers and electric outlets! Jake didn’t give a second thought as he ran up to the building and frantically tugged at and plugged in the different chargers until he found the one that fit his dead phone. Out of a side door walked a hunched over, emaciated Verizon wireless rep with his blue tooth blinking in his right ear. He lured Jake in with an offer to upgrade his text and picture messaging. The door slammed shut behind him! The evil rep made Jake take a survey to get the upgrade. As Jake sat down and started to take the survey and he realized it was less like a survey and more like an exam. It had math, science, English, and computer questions. The rep graded it when Jake was done, it must have been unsatisfactory so the rep handcuffed Jake to the table. For the next few days the evil man lectured on the topics on the “survey” and made Jake take more and more exams saying…”you’re not smart enough yet….study more and I’ll come back to check on you later.” Eventually Jake passed these exams and while the rep was celebrating a piece of paper from his tablet fell to the floor where Jake could read a plan to take his brain from him and use it in experiments! Jake waited until the next morning when the rep un-cuffed him so he could eat some granola, and he did a quick Chinese fighting move and before the rep knew what had happened he was in Jake's place, handcuffed to the table. As revenge Jake turned on the T.V. to an all day marathon of what not to wear so the Verizon wireless nerd became dumber and dumber with each passing commercial. Jake escaped with the reps fully loaded BMW, complete with on star. Jake decided to live technology free because of all the trouble it caused him ,an he lived him ignorant bliss.

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