Monday, December 8, 2008

His Dark Materials, My Daemon

Daemons are made up creature by Pullman, they're not real, however, everyone has one? It's the reflection of the soul, shown on the outside of the body, so naturally it's always with you, one must depend on their soul...Each daemon is different, in personality as well as form. I find it interesting that the daemon is not a direct reflection of its body counterpart, but can be more timid or more out spoken, varying with every one. Also, it makes sense that in the novel, a person cannot be too far away from their daemon without feeling pain, or a discomfort rather, which makes sense literally, because if a real human was without one's soul, they would feel incomplete and in fact not exist as a whole person, who is not a person at all. Of course I understand that is my soul which is my daemon, however, to fit in with the novel, I decided to choose and animal that would be my daemon....and I chose my cat, because I love cats, especially
mine, and I hate being away from her, and she is very comforting to me, as I am to her :) Here is picture of my daemon Izzy....she is 15 years old, and still plays like a kitten! Enjoy!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Group #2 Presentation

I hope you all enjoyed our project presentation today. It was a little far fetched, but I think everyone followed along coherently for the most part. I'm glad everyone laughed and had a good time with our pictures, however, I do feel like we should have added another bullet to our opening WARNING page....something to give you all a heads up about the giant ugly drug sniffing Dorothy picture that will no doubt catch you off guard! I was a little embarrassed :) But, I am proud of our end result. Dr. Sexson was right when he said that it takes a lot of man hours to put together something like that....At one point there were four different computers going all reformatting/cropping/adding pictures and around midnight....everything was funny. I'm relieved to know that it wasn't just us that thought it was funny. The most obvious question was how did we come up with that idea? I know it was Ronnie who brought it up at first, we were all a little caught off guard, but as we started to incorporate plot, dialogue, and all started to fall into place. It was interesting how the random background in our pictures ended up being extremely important....such as the brass lion behind out character playing the part of the cowardly lion. The tin man was played by the overworked business man, and the scarecrow was played by the stripper who wanted to go to get a brain. Also, the wicked witches bicycle was hanging from the ceiling of the Hauf. It all came together perfectly...and I am glad it's over.