I know that the chapter I chose as my favorite is a very well known chapter, but it does not make it any less of my favorite. I have always loved the "Advice from a Caterpillar" chapter, but mostly
because it was the one
chapter that truly hit the core of my annoyance. I can relate to

Alice in this chapter
because I have met a person who responds and reacts to questions and a
general conversation much like the caterpillar in this chapter. I think it is
interesting how towards the end of their conversation, Alice's patience for waiting for him to stop smoking and hear what non sense he had to say grew.....mine with me encounter however, did not grow. The mere idea of someone asking the same question as you, or skirting around the question asked, or

not even talking about the same thing you were.....drives me crazy. I like an
absolute solution at the end of my encounters with people, there is not one with the caterpillar, he crawls off with a
hanging in the air. All in all though, the chapter is important, and would not be the same book without it, however, it still drives me nuts!!! Answer a question without a question!!!! :)
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